Sunday, June 12, 2011

In fair Verona...

So surprise! The next place we went was...Verona!

Verona was less...exciting than Venice, although still quite lovely in it's own right. Here are some photos of the city made famous by Shakespeare's most romantic play.

Welcome to Verona.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" 
Yessss, this is indeed Juliet's balcony (please don't kill me, Hannah Wilken)

Verona's Adige River. 

The doorway into the Giardini Giusti (the Giusti Gardens). These gardens were absolutely beautiful and were probably one of the highlights of Verona for me...see below for more pictures.

 Before we left Italy, I thought I would pay homage to those absurd Easter eggs. Buona Pasqua everybody!

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