Saturday, June 18, 2011

Vienna waits for you...

Soooo stop 3 on our trip was Vienna! We took an overnight train from Verona to Vienna, which ended up being an experience in an of itself, complete with a very attentive car manager who we affectionately nicknamed "Dad." 

To be honest ( - you're welcome, Carolyn Fanning), Vienna was not really what I was expecting. I'm not entirely sure where I got this impression, but I thought it would be like Paris, a charming city full of narrow winding streets and cafés, but that wasn't really what I found. To me, it seemed more full of wide open platzes and modern buildings and shops. Vienna had it's own charm, to be sure, it just wasn't quite what I was expecting. It was definitely a cool city though and is full of culture and history. 

Rathaus, the Austrian Parliament building

 Inside Rathaus

 Rathaus is ready for it's closeup...

 Inside of Votivkirche, a really cool church... I actually should have gotten a shot of it from the outside, cuz it's pretty impressive. Here it is at night:

Maria-Theresien-Platz with the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna's awesome art museum. The Bruegel collection they had there was amazing!

 Karlsplatzzzz (and Karlskirche, one of the most famous churches in Vienna)

 So inside Karlskirche, there's this elevator that takes you up to the top of the church. When you get out of the elevator, you're standing on a landing. On this landing is a makeshift staircase, built out of scaffolding and steps. If you climb the staircase, it takes you right up to the top of the dome of the church (see previous photo) where you can get a great view of the frescoes on its walls. The problem is that because the staircase is made of scaffolding, it both looks and feels verrrrry unstable. It feels like you're climbing up to a construction site. And it's rickety, like with every step you take, the staircase creaks and even sways a little bit, making you feel like the whole thing is about to collapse. Also, I'm afraid of heights. Needless to say I did not enjoy this climb, but I risked my life to get this photo for you guys anyway. Ohhhh the things I do for you!

still Karlskirche

 Stephenskirche, actually the most famous church in Vienna

Subway of my dreams (best viewed large).

 One day, we took the U-bahn to Schloß Schönbrunn (Schönbrunn Palace), the 1400 (!) room palace that served as the home of the Hapsburg Family and the seat of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was probably the highlight of our Vienna trip for me, as the decoration and furnishings of the interior were truly spectacular.

 The gardens at Schönbrunn were also amazing.

Best viewed large!

This is a detail from the roof of Stephenskirche showing the two-headed eagle of Austro-Hungary.

According some sources, Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria, who, as the result of serious Hapsburg inbreeding, was slightly mentally retarded, was out hunting one day and shot an eagle. When his servants brought him the bird, he inquired as to what it was, and they replied that it was an eagle. "It can't be an eagle," the emperor cried, "everyone knows eagles have two heads..." In the above photograph, I attempted to portray Emperor Ferdinand's confusion regarding this incident...

Team Sunglasses.

Opera House

Spongebob trashcan...or mailbox?

10 points to anyone who can recognize this building! (hint: see previous photos)

On our final day in Vienna, we visited the Belvedere, the former summer residence for Prince Eugene of Savoy and currently home to a fabulous art collection including works by Manet, Monet, Renoir, and Klimt.

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