Wednesday, January 26, 2011

There are too many photos in this post.

Yesterday, I saw a parade of French toddlers walking to school and it made me so happy and so intent on stealing (or making) one of my very own.

Anyway, on a less crazy kidnapping sort of note, here are some photos of my life:

 Here we have a manifestation, as the French call it. These people were protesting outside the Senate (see below) against the impending law to legalize "mercy killings" in France (i.e., doctors who help those who are suffering to end their lives, also known as "assisted suicide"). This protest was so bizarre. There was like, opera music playing in the background and if you click on the picture to enlarge it, you can (sort of) see a guy walking around in the background, dressed all in black with a scythe. He was pretending to be "death," I guess. The signs read "to care is not to kill" and other things of that nature. Even though this was an especially bizarre protest, these sorts of large-scale outdoor demonstrations are commonplace in Paris.

 The aforementioned Senate

Best viewed large!

Best viewed large!

Best viewed large!

I saw this in a store front and though it was cute. It's a man offering a woman his heart and in response she says (according to the text on the window) "you know, if you don't mind, I think I'd prefer a cake." It's a cake sue them.

Guess who? (Notre Dame)

L'intérieure de Notre Dame


 Woah woah woah...what is this, it's so blurry and funky!?!? Here, lemme just clear that up for ya...

 Oh, now I see, it's the Panthéon at night! (and it's lookin' mighty fine)

Recognize this anyone? (you know who you are...)

 Little Asian grocery store next to my house...

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